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The 3rd (smaller) video (13 min audio version) starts soon after the introduction, which was,
"The good news is you don't have to listen to anymore loser candidates speaking", and "Don't any of you try me or Debbie tonight". There were several candidates and many potential new members in attendance who said they were very discouraged by his negativity and insulting remarkS.The 1st video is @ 5 min version of the walk-out, and the 2nd video is @ 30 min version after the walk-out
Barrow County Republican Party Meeting
July 18, 2022
Former GOP Chair Invited to Chastise Members Fighting for Election Integrity.
25+ Members (over half) Walk Out in Middle of Speech
With 3 people to the side of the camera (not in the pic), people who left the property, and the person taking the picture, there were more than 25 people, more than half of all attendees, who walked out on Ken Young's disgusting rant, when he insulted newer members, prior primary candidates, and Republicans who don't agree with him, especially those who don't support Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger.