Our right to vote is one of the most important rights as citizens that we have. It’s what ensures that we, the
people, collectively have control over our quality of life. Elections must be held to the highest level of integrity to
protect that right. Otherwise, it is inevitable that people with nefarious ambitions will take advantage and
manipulate the results. When that happens, we have effectively lost our right to vote. At least our right to have our
vote accurately counted.
You may have heard it said, “Elections have consequences, and stolen elections have…..Catastrophic
Consequences!” In other words, lack of integrity in an election can lead to things like, an invasion through open
borders, destruction of our economy, and even genocide. It has happened before, and much of it is happening now.
Most of us want the people who are making decisions that affect our lives to be honest and trustworthy. People
who are willing and able to serve the best interests of all people they will represent, as a whole, whether those
people voted for them or not. Unfortunately some politicians are not interested in anyone’s best interest but their
own. They will do anything to get elected, including taking bribes, and cutting deals that help large corporations, or
even foreign countries, rather than the voters. It is important to be aware of what motivates a candidate to run for
office and thoroughly vet them before trusting them with any position of power.
It is also very important to be aware of how the election system works and to be active in making sure it is fair and
transparent for every citizen. It is OUR election, of the people, for the people, and by the people. At least that is how
it is supposed to be. Unfortunately many people don’t understand the importance of getting involved and keeping
the control of elections in the hands of we the people, the grassroots citizens and not in the hands of any politicians or other entities with nefarious ambitions.
The November 3rd 2020 election was the catalyst for a grand awakening among many if not most Americans.
Those who were in positions of power, who took an oath to serve the best interest of the people, let us down. Some
tried to get to the bottom of what happened. Some of our state Senators were actually punished for holding
hearings that exposed evidence and sworn affidavits that could prove that the election was compromised. Those
Senators were fired from their committee assignments. That is unacceptable and there needs to be accountability
for those who break their oath of office and weaponize their position to cover a crime. Without voters standing up
and demanding it, that will never happen.
What we hope to do in this coalition is to give members ideas and opportunities to do something, regardless of
how big or small, to help protect our vote, and ensure that our constitution and our laws are respected. There are
many different things to do, such as calling or writing our elected officials, volunteering as a Poll Watcher, working as a Poll Worker or Manager, canvassing, attending events and public meetings, vetting candidates and possibly even running for a public office. What ever you do will be up to you. Even if all you can do is bring awareness to others about our cause and motivate people to get involved, that is a valuable contribution.
At each meeting we want to share any ideas, upcoming events, information, opportunities, etc.. that any of us
have to offer or suggest. We are all unique individuals with different skills and time available, and if we are willing to
do what we can, together we can make a real difference in ensuring our votes will count, and that we have true
integrity in our elections.
Government has it’s purpose, and it is limited. It is up to voters like us to keep it that way and to stop allowing it to
get out of OUR control and into the control of people who couldn’t care less about what we want or need. The only
way to do that is to be involved.
Thank you for being here.
Barrow County Election Integrity Coalition
(donations are not tax deductible)